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Welcome to CloudOwl Creative.

We began our journey in 2023 in York (UK), starting small but dreaming big.


CloudOwl began as a joint venture between friends passionate about story-driven experiences, in a humble home office. Our goal? nothing more or nothing less than to create games that we, ourselves, would love to play.


Our first project, HOLLOWAY, is a labor of love that sets the tone for what we want to be as a studio.

Growth and Values;

Since then, we’ve grown, but our mission remains the same. We believe in making games that are not just fun to play but also rich in storytelling. Our team has expanded to include talented individuals internationally, each bringing their unique skills and creativity to the table.

Looking Ahead;

As CloudOwl continues to evolve, we stay true to our indie roots. We’re excited about the future and we can’t wait to share our projects with you.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.

Here’s to creating games that touch the soul.

Our Story

Theo Mackie-Sinclair

Creative Director / Founder

Shaun Bramley

Creative Director

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